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Innovation Benefits
Contact AutovationProgress in Motion
We’re steering the industry in the right direction with significant energy, time and resources. To elevate our acoustics expertise, we have invested in state-of-the-art equipment like our game-changing Prototype Molding Line and our revolutionary Acoustic Test Chamber. That means we not only simulate and test what our customers are making—but actually solve market needs faster than the competition.
Given Café Standards 2025 and an increasingly competitive marketplace for OEMs, we’re thinking ahead in key areas—and executing in more attractive ways than ever before.

Our proprietary fiber blends, composite layers and tunable NVH performance add up to a range of products that is up to 30% lighter.

Having mastered sound absorption at lower frequencies, we offer superior acoustic performance at the weight of conventional absorbers.

Through interfacial chemistries and engineered matrix properties, our latest surface chemistry delivers a variety of wear-resistant, longer lasting products.

Our latest patent-pending technology dramatically reduces moisture absorption by 6x and eliminates damaging ice attachment—for noticeably tougher products.

More Attractive
Leveraging Milliken’s legacy of aesthetic advances, we enhance the look of nonwovens with surface treatments such as Millitex™ high temperature carving, Pegasus high pressure water carving, etching, digital printing, and flat felts..
Our Automotive Innovations